Thriving not just surviving

A community space for General Practitioners to make a difference for each other


The diverse career opportunities you can develop through being a General Practitioner and stay up to date with topical issues


Learn more about yourself and develop your leadership and wellness


Network with like-minded colleagues and join in with our social programme

About us

Our Mission

The GenXGP Community is for General Practitioners to network, share and learn about developmental experiences and career opportunities, experience and connect to coaching and mentoring conversations, discover wellbeing offers for NHS people and for social connection with peers.

Our History

We were set up in 2019 with support from colleagues at NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group, Leeds GP Confederation, NHS Leadership Academy, Leeds Local Medical Committee and RCGP Yorkshire Faculty.

From our blog

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  • Cervical Screening Update

    There has been a fall in NHS Cervical smear screening rates over the last year. New figures show three in ten of those eligible for screening do not take up the potentially life-saving offer. The latest report from NHS England shows the current uptake is 68.7% down from 69.9% in the previous year. The national…

  • The DCI Review- 3 actions which have the potential to provide immediate practical support to meet the short and medium term challenges outlined for the NHS

    Last year, through being part of the national improvement community, I was invited to contribute to the development of The Delivery and Continuous Improvement (DCI) Review, which has been published today on the NHS England website. The DCI Review considers how the NHS, working in partnership through integrated care systems, delivers on its current priorities,…

  • Shared decision making in healthcare

    Shared decision making in healthcare is a collaborative process involving a person and their healthcare professional working together to reach a joint decision about their care. The decision is based on choosing tests and treatments based on both evidence and the person’s individual preferences, beliefs and values. The outcomes of shared decision making are that…

  • Accelerating Citizen Access to GP Data

    Prospective data entered into patient records from 1st November 2022 will automatically be visible from later this month. The Royal College of GPs has updated its GP online services toolkit to support practices following the update from NHS England. The Royal College of GPs mission is to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards…

  • A Proactive Personalised Care Approach – supporting Winter Pressures in the NHS

    A personalised care approach includes supporting someone to live well with their long term condition. There is a growing body of evidence that complex population health interventions as a result of patient-centred goal setting, community development and social prescribing have shown highly significant reductions in unplanned admissions to hospital . The pathway below sets out…

  • Brain fog

    Cognition and mood are the theme for this year’s World Menopause Day. Brain fog is a group of symptoms including difficulty remembering words and numbers, misplacing items, trouble concentrating or being more easily distracted, difficulty switching between tasks and forgetting appointments or events. Research studies have found that women’s memory does change temporarily during menopause…

  • World Mental Health Day

    This year’s theme is making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority. Although the well-being of world citizens is reeling from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, wars, displacement and the climate emergency there is increasing evidence that it is possible to prevent mental ill health. Using both general and targeted evidence-based interventions…

  • Starting and having a better conversation

    The Covid19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of connecting with others for our mental well-being. As a doctor, part of my job involves having conversations with lots of people I may not have met before. I try to help people feel comfortable enough to tell me what is really troubling them. My five tips on…

  • 21st Century GP

    In a time of rapid change, how do we need to be? I have made a decision to finally take the plunge and start writing. This is new to me so please be gentle. So just over two years ago I had an idea. It started with a question – how has the world around…